Dance Arts Faculty: Spazio alla danza

Brand Identity

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Our creative team has designed the new logo and visual identity of DAF – Dance Arts Faculty – one of the main centers of specialization and mastery for classical ballet and contemporary dance on the international level.

The new logo was inspired by the idea of movement, and by canons of simplicity, elegance, and modernity. The DAF acronym has been designed to be a fundamental and recurring motif in the logo. Three letters paired with two distinct captions to communicate the brand’s two different business areas: the professional masterclasses and the Liceo Coreutico dance school.The dynamism of the acronym is complemented by the exceptional modularity of the logo which includes different graphics created for various applications.

Moreover, the new strategic approach led us to design a minimalist, brand-inspired visual identity to feature the 2022 calendar of activities, to be adapted to each following year.

Using the lettering of the DAF acronym, we’ve designed a characteristic graphic pattern to create abstract shapes that interact with edited images, and a pastel colour palette.
Together, the graphic and typographic elements create campaign images with a recognizable identity while still allowing for a wide variety of variations and applications.