
Associazione Teatrale
fra i Comuni del Lazio

Art & Culture

Settore Q > Work > Atcl Logo

We have designed the new logotype and website of ATCL (the theatre Association of municipalities in Lazio) .
The challenge was to modernize the logo emphasizing the core concept of the association as a entity composed of different theatres.

The logo centers on a colorful semicircle comprised of smaller hoops to recall the shape of a theatre audience, and to suggest a figurative embrace.

The choice to use a range of different colors for each hoops highlights the unique identity and the distinctiveness of every theatre, member of the association.

The user experience of the new website has been optimized in order to make more functional the dynamic contents of greatest interest for the public. The Home Page shows, in foreground, the events’ calendar sorted by date and filterable by genre, year and municipality, delivering immediate knowledge to all events’ details and providing direct access to ticketing features.
The design works together with the other communication medias, consolidating the strength of the Association both on online and offline.

Visit ATCL